Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections

Cassette Tape 15 Side B -- Letters to Carson




Cassette Tape 15 Side B -- Letters to Carson






Margaret Sullivan reading the following:

August 13, 1963 note from Mrs. Barbara Blakemore thanking Carson for including her

July 19, 1963 letter from Leonard Byrne saying that he is delighted to hear of a new book and the opening of Ballad

24 September 1957 letter from Ben asking her to call him

November 7 card from Sherke [?] thanking Carson for her beautiful orchid

January 5, 1954 card from Jane and Bob Stanton announcing the birth of Alexander Hardy and recalling a visit to Nyack and apologizing for being so long in thanking her for it

December 29 Christmas card from Takako Shinano of Tokyo, Japan

undated card from another Japanese correspondent Mrs. Mitahashi asking for some American stamps

several Christmas cards of various dates

get well cards of various dates

Valentine cards

various empty envelopes

August 2, 1963 postcard from Oliver Evans saying "addendum to yesterday's letter" if there is any difference between your inside rooms and Capote's "Other Rooms" I fail to see it

June 14, 1963 letter from Oliver Evans thanking her for her wire and saying that he intends to arrive in Nyack in a week or less

February 26, 1963 letter from Oliver Evans saying that he is relieved she will cooperate with him in a biography of her

March 1962 letter from Oliver Evans with a copy of an article of his from the MLA journal [Sullivan reads extensively from this essay]

letter dated "Thursday" from Dr. Katherine Cohen [Carson's psychiatrist in London] describing her vacation scenery and routine, and her difficulties at entering Holland due to an expired passport

October 2 and 3 letter from Dr. Katherine Cohen in Rotterdam, saying that she is sorry her first letter went astray

February 10, 1954 letter from Mary Alberta Hinton to an unnamed person [perhaps Carson's mother, Margarite Smith?] saying that she is sorry about the misfortunes befalling her and how important it is to get back on her feet to help Carson and Rita

a "long newsy letter" dated December 28, 1953 from Bessie Hicks of Columbus, Georgia to Mrs. Lamar Smith [Carson's mother] about the death of Mattie and her help with Herman's illness, about family and friends in Columbus, also mentions the shipment of "her mirror, such a lovely thing" [probably the pier mirror that she took to Nyack when she moved in with Carson]

Original Format

cassette tape






“Cassette Tape 15 Side B -- Letters to Carson,” Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections , accessed March 11, 2025,