Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections

Cassette Tape 15 Side A -- Letters to Carson McCullers Regular




Cassette Tape 15 Side A -- Letters to Carson McCullers Regular





Original Format

cassette tape




Margaret Sullivan reading the following:

December 26, 1953 letter from Howard Mandel wishing Carson a Merry New Year, hears of her wanderings from Frank, seeing Doris Lees' series of imaginary portraits of women writers including Gertrude Stein, the Bronte sisters, Emily Dickenson, Edith Sitwell, George Sands, Sappho and Carson McCullers "the painting of you is really superb", we must arrange a meeting with her, many parties but now I must settle down to business

10 December, 1953 letter from Tanya Tolstoy saying she got Carson's letter from Paris, doesn't intend to leave Switzerland until the end of the month and hopes Carson and dear Bebe are well

March 23, 1950 letter from Dr. Alfred Wolkenberg, "seller of fine antique reproductions", saying he is glad that Carson is getting better, he has the flu and has got to read some books he had neglected including one from 1947 and sends a book to her. The letter is signed Frank

17 July 1953 letter from Dennis, saying "I'm afraid that your copy of Bottegha Obscure has gotten dog-eared and he is enclosing a new copy of it. He had read [a draft of] Clock twice and says it is an encouraging start to her novel which he urges her finish, and he enclosed a review from the New York Times, enjoyed lunch together, Dennis

August 8, 1953 letter from Gene Reynolds saying Louise Lalu picked up a copy of one of your books and said "it would be funny as I got around to reading one of Carson's books in Italian", liked the Ballad of the Sad Café, discusses other books and authors, including one by Annemarie [Schwarzenbach]

October 23, 1953 letter from William Mayer, MD, saying he couldn't see her a couple of days ago, hopes she is better

March 7 [no year] letter from Mrs. Jacob Anthony Begner, inviting Carson to a party on April 6, wanting to see her, signed Edith

October 19, 1958 letter from Hilda Bruch, MD saying she thought that Carson would want to see how she had condensed the first draft adding that without her help she could never have done it, also enclosing an article about Gertrude W. Borge, who gave much aid and comfort to refugees in America, including Dr. Bruch when she arrived in 1934

February 17, 1959 letter from Harold Vinal, saying he will edit the Autumn issue of Voices and asking her to contribute some poems

two back pages of letter from Jessie McFail Kimbro from Columbus, Georgia saying "Carson you have really gotten to the top of the ladder" and talks about Carson's nanny [another missing page] and talks about Carson's aunt and her grandmother, Mrs. Waters, also talks about changes to the neighborhood of her grandmother's house

October 21 1953 postcard from Ruth, saying "I know you lived here too. I like everything fine except I'm lonely. Home November 14

October 18, 1953 or 1963 post card to Rita Smith saying having a good vacation, love Minnie

July 21, 1963 postcard saying Mission accomplished. Went 6 dollars over budget but I think you'll be pleased, Love, Jack

postcard from Assisi to Carson and Dr. Mercer saying that the whole region is overwhelming, Much love, Cornelia

June 22, 1967 postcard mailed from Cape Hatteras saying "This is the farthest south I've been. Want to go to Georgia. Beginning of July Street Car Named Desire in Nyack. Want to be there. Peter O'Brian

October 12, 1963 letter from Frank saying "Best wishes for a successful opening and a long run"

August 3, 1967 letter from Frank saying he was sorry he missed Carson's phone call and saying that Jean is improving and can move the left side, adding "I have many letters of Annemarie's but they're in German, there may be some photos which I will try to find"

June 24, 1958 note from Jane asking when they can have lunch

undated letter from William Beyer of Arkansas about an article written about her in the Manchester Guardian Weekly and her work, especially Ballad, and enclosing a poem he wrote about loneliness and desire

January 21, 1959 letter from Sandy Campbell of New York City recalling pleasant time that she spent in Nyack with Carson and the time that Carson and Reeves spent with her during the night of Summer and Smoke and asking her to sign some slips of paper to place in her copies of Carson's books

1966 nearly illegible letter from Davis F [?] Oxford asking for Carson's help in getting a visa to come visit her in America

invitation to the wedding of Joanne Gomme [Carson's nurse during her trip to England for the Cheltenham Festival of Literature in 1962] to be held on August 10, 1963, with a note on the back saying in Carson's handwriting "Gift send 6/24/63"

another wedding invitation from Mrs. Louise Rita Miller for the wedding of Patty Louise to Tommy Johnson Williams in September

July 28 letter from Cookie Buckley saying that she loved being with Carson and Mary and described how hot who it was where she is and enjoyed Carson's hospitality and thanks to Ida, talks of her family and problems

December 1, 1958 letter from Corning White saying that she had recently received two letters from Max Whetherly [?] with no return address, and saying that he and Mrs. White might be going to Europe in the summer and hope to lease their apartment to Max while they are gone. He asks Carson if she can give them his current address

July 30 [no year] letter from Lila van Sayer saying that she would love to see Carson and how much she enjoyed Clock Without Arms [sic]

undated letter from Ralph saying there has been a mix-up about where Max should have sent something, adding that she has found lots of McCullers fans at her college in Shreveport, Louisiana.




“Cassette Tape 15 Side A -- Letters to Carson McCullers Regular,” Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections , accessed July 26, 2024,