Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections

Preserving Pasaquan: Pasaquan Preservation Society Oral Histories

Over the course of two weeks in the spring of 2015, our team interviewed fifteen board members of the Pasaquan Preservation Society. Through interviews, we asked why preserving Pasaquan was important to them, how they felt about the site changing ownership, and what their hopes are for it in the future. In each link below, there are both the transcripts and audio files of the interviews.

Bond and Meg Anderson (audio) (transcript)

Victoria Cantrell (audio) (transcript)

Fred and Cathy Fussell (audio) (transcript)

John Lupold (audio) (transcript)

Ann Moye (audio part1) (audio part2) (transcript)

Mac Moye (audio) (transcript)

Benjamin Pike (audio) (transcript)

William Polk (audio) (transcript)

John S Rogers (audio) (transcript)

Lydia Rogers (audio) (transcript)

Steve White (audio) (transcript)

T. Burton Wight (audio) (transcript)

Walker Williams (audio) (transcript)



Preserving Pasaquan: Pasaquan Preservation Society Oral Histories