Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections

Cassette Tape 13 Side B -- Special Letters 2




Cassette Tape 13 Side B -- Special Letters 2






These letters read by Margaret Sullivan include:

November 25, 1952 letter from Kay Boyle (Mrs. J.M. Franckenstein) saying that she was distressed to hear from Janet the day before that Carson had not received Boyle's note thanking her for her support right after the ordeal of the hearing. They still don't know the decision of the panel and may not for several weeks. [This is presumably the McCarthy hearings as a result of which von Franckenstein was fired from his job with the State Department]

June 14, 1951 note from Brooks Adkinson thanking McCullers for a copy of her book

June 28, 1951 note, also from Brooks Adkinson thanking McCullers in more detail after he had read her book, saying that in his opinion it is better than Hemingway and Faulkner

Mar 1, 1950 postcard from Claire Booth Luce congratulating her on her play;

February 22, 1961 postcard from Vanwicks [?] Brooks thanking McCullers for a "a nice message you sent me"

January 27, 1950 letter from John Van Druten who refers to The Member of the Wedding as "the best thing on Broadway since The Glass Menagerie, adding that he had thought for a long while that theatre should take over some of the work of the novel and that she had succeeded in her "widening of the camera lens" through the play

undated McCullers' reply to Van Druten thanking him for his letter and saying that his reaction to the play was the most insightful she had received, and referring to Tennessee Williams and how she met him after the novel The Member of the Wedding was published and closed by inviting Van Druten to come visit her in Nyack

February 7, 1950 note from Van Druten regretting that he was leaving New York to return to his home in California, but that he was seeing The Member again on Wednesday so that the last thing he would take away with him from the New York season would be her play

June 24, 1951 note from John Druten thanking McCullers for her gift of an autographed copy of her book of short stories

an undated, hand-drawn map of the way to Janet Flanner's home in the French country-side, with notes from Flanner and Margarita to Reeves

October 25, 1962 letter from Tennessee Williams asking how the lecture went and saying that he is back in Key West where the noise from jet fighters flying over kept him from sleeping and hoping that the Cuban crisis soon ends. He has paid off the mortgage on the Key West properties and enclosed a picture of him and Carson

Sullivan says "This letter that may have been in the Special Delivery envelope of July 8, 1958 from Peter Felderman hoping that Carson is better and promising to come see her after his visit to his grandmother

30 April, 1947 letter from Cyril Connelly asking McCullers for something to put in the upcoming special edition of Horizon

April 10, 1946 letter from Marjory Rowland praising The Member of the Wedding

the contents of a folder labeled Houghton Mifflin, April-May 1946 which includes several letters concerning reviews of Member, especially disagreeing with the review written by Edmund Wilson in The New Yorker.

Original Format

cassette tape






“Cassette Tape 13 Side B -- Special Letters 2,” Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections , accessed March 11, 2025,