Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections

Browse Items (3804 total)

Two images of watersports on a body of water (Moon Lake at Idle Hour Park?)

A firework display lights up the night sky. Post-war, possibly Idle Hour Park.

USPO PCAL 1954 001.jpg
1954 photo of the United States Post Office Building on 14th Street

At home alone during COVID-19.

Came across this Government Document Microfiche from a work from home project. A fiche published in 1995 is relevant now in 2020.

Finally a positive story! On Wednesday, May 6 the Administration of Double Churches Middle School turned the front of their school in to a drive through for all teachers and staff to come by and pick up Marcos Pizza and GiGi's Cupcakes at a safe…

A Chef Lee's Restaurant employee on their way to work with cloth face covering and gloves. The new required attire during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nobody in the parking lot, no movie posters in the poster cases, and no smell of popcorn!

Hennig-Das Mutterherz.pdf
Solo Piece for Cornet and Piano

cornet a Pistons in B, by Carl Hennig, co/1899

Since the Virus spread, workers have had to put on masks and gloves so that they can interact with customers. Managers have to check the employees before they can even enter the restaurant. Restrictions meant to keep people safe also seem to promote…

Heiser-O lieb sei mein!.pdf
Solo Piece (plus extras) for Cornet and Piano

by W. Heiser in Lieder-Garten, Op. 107

20200505_153727 (1).jpg
This is what COVID-19 has done to the local schools. At this time of day on a Tuesday this loop should be filled with parents picking up their children. Buses should be lined up and being filled with laughing and happy students ready to go home.…

Heiser-Das Grab auf der Haide.pdf
Solo Piece for Cornet and Piano

by W. Heiser in Transcriptions und Compositionen fur das Cornet

Herbert-Gypsy Love Song.pdf
Solo Piece for Cornet and Piano

from the Fortune Teller, Cornet Solo, by Victor Herbert, co/MDCCCC

Richter-Introduction, Thema und Variationen.pdf
Solo Piece for Cornet and Piano

cornet a Piston in B, by Berthold Richter

Solo Piece

Solos for the cornet with Piano Accompaniment, by A.E.Warren, co/MDCCCXCV

Varney-Mandolinen Serenade.pdf
Solo Piece for Cornet and Piano

by Louis Varney, co/1899

Strong-Francesca Polka.pdf
Solo for Cornet, Trombone or Baritone with Piano Accompaniment, by W.E. Strong

Stradella-Kirchen Aire.pdf
Solo Piece for Cornet and Piano

aus Stradella, by bearb. Von Ad. Stiegler

The Surf Polka - F. Steinhauser.pdf
Solo Piece

by F. Steinhauser in Arbuckle's Solos for Cornet a Piston with Pianoforte Accompaniment, co/1880
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