Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections

Carver Heights Photographs


Carver Heights Photographs


Billboard advertising the sale of homes in Carver Heights, Columbus, GA., the city's first segregated suburb.
Students standing on the corner of 8th and Illges Road at the southern end of the  Carver Heights community.
Children crossing Illges Road walking towards the Carver Heights Presbyterian Church and its pre-school.
Carver Heights couple.
Exterior images of Carver Heights homes and their residents.
Exterior image of a Carver Heights home.
Exterior images of Carver Heights single family home.
Carver Heights neighborhood school girl full of joy.
Little boy in the snow in front of a home in Carver Heights, Columbus. Ga.
Interior kitchen including two boys.
Pre-school performance in Carver Heights.
Sitting on a porch in Carver Heights.
Announcing the death of the Reverend W.B. Clemmons, Carver Heights Presbyterian Church. The church was established in 1956.
Carver Heights History Harvest Logo
Carver Heights Subdivision History of Construction
Image 1 Original Plat of Carver Heights.jpg
Advertisement for the sale of homes in Carver Heights, Columbus, GA.
Carvver Heights Date of Construction Map Micah Arnholt.jpg
Image 2 Advertisement for Colored GIs Koonze Realty.png
Eastern boundary of Columbus' city limits in 1940. The area east of Brooksville and west of Lindsey Creek, then owned by Illges Realty Company, would become Carver Heights neighborhood.
Sanborn map of the Carver Heights subdivision.
CSU History Harvest Post collection Morehouse Street.JPG
Exterior image of Carver Heights home.JPG
Moorehouse Street looking towards the commerical district in spring..JPG
Pamphlete for Albana State University night school.JPG
Red Lining.png
Image 3 Front Cover of the National Homes Of Moderate Cost.jpg
Columbus_Daily_Enquirer_1958-05-29_25 Carver Hieghts Motel clinic at motel.png
Columbus_Daily_Enquirer_1947-06-29_35 Farley Realty Co.png


“Carver Heights Photographs,” Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections , accessed March 12, 2025,