Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections

Cassette Tape 11 Side A -- Newton Arvin / John Huston




Cassette Tape 11 Side A -- Newton Arvin / John Huston


Letters relating to Newton Arvin and also to John Huston, and McCullers upcoming trip to his home in Ireland to discuss his work on her novel, Reflections in a Golden Eye.


Margaret Sullivan reading letters from Newton Arvin of Smith College, North Hampton. Sept. 20, 1942--discussing Carson's recent illness, new home for her mother and new house in Nyack. Asked about her work, Reeves, his trouble sleeping, his friend Howard Dowdy, hopes to move in a month to more permanent quarters.

Three hand-written letters from Newton:
Oct 4, 1953—Good to hear from Carson after so many years of silence, hopes to see her, his distress at hearing what anguish she had suffered in the last years.
Oct 20, 1953—deeply touched by her letter and the memories of Yaddo, his illnesses and hospitalizations.
Aug 10, 1954—distressed to hear of her recent illness and wishes to hear more about her. Thinks of her often.

Next is a typed letter from Michelle Cantarella dated Oct 28, 1960 enclosing a clipping about Newton Arvin and his retirement due to his mental health and "more trouble with the state police". The clipping details the reasons for his retirement, including his arrest for "possession of obscene pictures".

Sullivan next reads material having to do with the filming of Reflections in a Golden Eye, including one dated Aug 11, 1965 from Richard Burton hoping she will get well soon, another from Marlon Brando saying that John [Huston] often speaks of you and your "desire to get out of that damn bed and get to Ireland". He tells her that she makes John do his best. Brando comments that it has been a long time since they met at her apartment. Sullivan then describes empty envelopes with John Houston's name embossed on them, used to record telephone numbers. Sullivan also reads a letter from Huston telling Carson that all arrangements for her upcoming trip to visit him at his home in Ireland will be made, and giving her details of her flight on Aer Lingus. There are also prescriptions written by Dr. Dyar, articles about fox hunting, the article from the Irish Times of April 10, 1967 that was the result of a lengthy interview with McCullers while at the Irish home of John Huston, a large map of Europe, a mention of additional letters which Sullivan does not read and finally a partial letter
May 30, 1967 from Gladys Hill conveying well-wishes from people who had met McCullers during her visit to Ireland, as well as describing Huston's trip to Rome and seeing some scenes from Reflections in a Golden Eye. The recording ends in mid-sentence.






“Cassette Tape 11 Side A -- Newton Arvin / John Huston,” Columbus State University Archives and Special Collections , accessed March 11, 2025,